Hello friends, today we are going to tell you about RIP Meaning in Hindi. If you do not know the meaning of RIP, then you are in the right place, in this article we are going to tell you about RIP Meaning in Hindi. So let’s start.
Even if this era of Internet revolution goes to the digital age, then there will be no mistake. As mediums like Whatsapp, Facebook were added to the Internet, along with that new words were also being originated.

Like where did Good morning go to GM and Good night to GN, apart from these, there were many such words which were used only short form on social media, due to which people could not even know its full form.
Today we are going to tell you about one such word Rip in Hindi Meaning / RIP Meaning in Hindi and full form of Rip In Hindi, whose Hindi meaning has been a mystery on the Internet.
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- 1 RIP WORD HISTORY (Rip Meaning in Hindi)
- 2 Meaning of the word RIP (Rip Meaning in Hindi)
- 3 Rip Meaning in Hindi – What is the meaning of Rip in Hindi?
- 4 RIP – Special things related to – Rip Meaning in Hindi
- 5 RIP Full Form: What is RIP Full Form? (Rip Meaning in Hindi)
- 6 Meaning in Hindi and DIGITAL PLATFORM
- 7 Finale word – Rip meaning in Hindi
RIP WORD HISTORY (Rip Meaning in Hindi)
This word was used in western countries. Gradually it started being used in other countries as well. You already know that when something works in one country, it gradually spreads to the rest of the countries with time.
RIP शब्द का अर्थ “Rest in Peace” (शान्ति से आराम करो) होता है, ईसाई अथवा मुस्लिम मान्यताओं के अनुसार बताया गया है, कि जब कभी “Day of Judgment” अथवा “क़यामत का दिन” आएगा, उस दिन कब्र में पड़े ये सभी शव दोबारा जीवित हो जायेंगे तब तक उस दिन के इंतज़ार में “शान्ति से आराम करो” | |
It was first used by the people of Christianity in the 16th to 18th centuries and is being used today. In the 21st century, its maximum use is being done on social media networks like Facebook and WhatsApp.
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Meaning of the word RIP (Rip Meaning in Hindi)
The meaning of the word RIP is “Rest in Peace”, according to Christian or Muslim beliefs, it has been told that whenever the “Day of Judgment” or “Day of Doomsday” comes, it lies in the tomb on that day. “Rest in peace” while waiting for that day until all the dead bodies will come to life again.
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Rip Meaning in Hindi – What is the meaning of Rip in Hindi?
You must have also seen on the post of any page or group on social media that when a person dies, then people write RIP in the comment box below it. Many understand the meaning of this RIP, but for some people problems start. Sometimes we also want to know the meaning of this RIP.
In Christianity, when a person dies, he is buried and rest in peace is written on top of the grave, this word was taken from that and today’s youth started using its short form instead of using this whole sentence. Just since then Rip (RIP) started being used.
- The word Rip is written to give sympathy to the person who has died and to wish his soul peace.
- After the death of a person of any religion, people often use it on social media for the peace of their soul.
- The word rip is used to describe the sad situation for the passing of one’s loved one.
- The word rip includes the sense of loss as well as the sense of loss.
- Apart from Christianity, the use of the word Rip is also seen many times in Muslim religion.
- The meaning of RIP is to tear apart the peace of the soul. They are used according to their own meaning and circumstances.
- If you get to see short somewhere, then you will get to see Rest in peace somewhere.
- People have started using this word more due to modern times.
- This word is not used for any one but is used for all the dead people.
- This word is being used not from today but for centuries.
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RIP Full Form: What is RIP Full Form? (Rip Meaning in Hindi)
Friends, RIP’s full form is Rest in Peace. People often use this word to wish for the peace of the soul. If we try to understand this word in Hindi, then rest means rest and peace means peace and when we say rest in peace together then it means resting with peace of soul.
Rest in Peace is a completely English word and it is mostly used by Christians and Britishers, but there is also an era of English in India, so people of India will also see you using this word on social media.
These days most people write this word on social media to wish peace to someone’s soul when they pass away. There are also some people who like to write Rest in Peace (RIP) completely, while some people write only RIP because both the words mean the same thing.
The word RIP has been derived from the Latin phrase Requiescat in Pace (RIP). Mainly the word RIP is used only for the dead person. In Christianity, after the death of humans, they are buried and Rest in Peace (RIP) is written on their tomb. This word is also used to express sympathy and respect for the dead person.
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Meaning in Hindi and DIGITAL PLATFORM
You will be surprised to know that this word must have been used on more social media networks than the grave till date. You know that every person has started using social media after internet becomes cheaper. And through this he stays connected with his distant acquaintance. Today there will be crores of users, who use social media every day.
In such a situation, this word would be used thousands of times on social media in a day. After losing their acquaintance, people use social media only to spread information about this to more people, where this word is used a lot. After knowing this, you can guess yourself how much this word would have been used in a day and where it would be.
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Finale word – Rip meaning in Hindi
Friends, hope that you would have liked the information related to your Rip Full form in Hindi / RIP Meaning in Hindi. If you have any other information related to your RIP Meaning in Hindi, then you must definitely tell us in the comment.
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